Metaphor 관련 논문 리스트업


Metaphor를 파보자!

2016.06.27 기준으로 인용있는 건 인용 횟수도 열심히 적어 봤는데 다 고만고만해서 의미가 없다.

Top Conferences

ACL 2018

Construction of a Chinese Corpus for the Analysis of the Emotionality of Metaphorical Expressions

논문 링크

Word Embedding and WordNet Based Metaphor Identification and Interpretation

논문 링크

AAAI 2018

Exploring the Terrain of Metaphor Novelty: A Regression-Based Approach for Automatically Scoring Metaphors

논문 링크

메타포의 novelty를 scoring한다.



논문 링크


Metaphor Detection by Deep Learning and the Place of Poetic Metaphor in Digital Humanities

논문 링크

EMNLP 2017

Using Automated Metaphor Identification to Aid in Detection and Prediction of First-Episode Schizophrenia

논문 링크

인용 2회

Grasping the Finer Point: A Supervised Similarity Network for Metaphor Detection

논문 링크

인용 5회


Black Holes and White Rabbits: Metaphor Identification with Visual Features

논문 링크

인용 29회

ACL 2016

Literal and Metaphorical Senses in Compositional Distributional Semantic Models

논문 링크

인용 12회

Metaphor Detection Using Topic Transition, Emotion and Cognition in Context

논문 링크

인용 5회

Semantic classifications for detection of verb metaphors

논문 링크

인용 9회

EMNLP 2016

Learning to Identify Metaphors from a Corpus of Proverbs

논문 링크


DOVETAIL — An Abstraction for Classical Planning Using a Visual Metaphor

논문 링크

인용 1회

Figurative Language Processing

쟤네들 말고 metaphor 연구하는 workshop이 나름 규모있게 매년 열린다. 2016년까지는 workshop on metaphor였는데 올해는 Figurative Language Processing으로 바뀌었다(2017년은 없었다.)

NAACL 2018 Workshop on Figurative Language Processing에서는 shared task가 metaphor detection이었다. 관련 보고서는 여기

Figurative Language Processing, NAACL 2018

위 workshop의 논문 리스트

Challenges in Finding Metaphorical Connections

논문 링크

Linguistic Features of Sarcasm and Metaphor Production Quality

논문 링크

Leveraging Syntactic Constructions for Metaphor Identification

논문 링크

metaphorical phrase의 source/target domain classification과 metaphor detection에 phrase의 syntactic construction를 feature로 쓴다. VUAMC와 LCC corpus 사용.

Literal, Metphorical or Both? Detecting Metaphoricity in Isolated Adjective-Noun Phrases

논문 링크

Catching Idiomatic Expressions in EFL Essays

논문 링크

Predicting Human Metaphor Paraphrase Judgments with Deep Neural Networks

논문 링크

A Report on the 2018 VUA Metaphor Detection Shared Task

논문 링크

An LSTM-CRF Based Approach to Token-Level Metaphor Detection

논문 링크

Unsupervised Detection of Metaphorical Adjective-Noun Pairs

논문 링크

Phrase-Level Metaphor Identification Using Distributed Representations of Word Meaning

논문 링크

Bigrams and BiLSTMs Two Neural Networks for Sequential Metaphor Detection

논문 링크

Computationally Constructed Concepts: A Machine Learning Approach to Metaphor Interpretation Using Usage-Based Construction Grammatical Cues

논문 링크

Neural Metaphor Detecting with CNN-LSTM Model

논문 링크

Di-LSTM Contrast : A Deep Neural Network for Metaphor Detection

논문 링크

Conditional Random Fields for Metaphor Detection

논문 링크

Detecting Figurative Word Occurrences Using Recurrent Neural Networks

논문 링크

Multi-Module Recurrent Neural Networks with Transfer Learning

논문 링크

Using Language Learner Data for Metaphor Detection

논문 링크

The Fourth Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, NAACL 2016

Finding metaphorical triggers through source (not target) domain lexicalization patterns

논문 링크

인용 1회

Detecting novel metaphor using selectional preference information

논문 링크

인용 8회

Supervised Metaphor Detection using Conditional Random Fields

논문 링크

인용 10회

Token-Level Metaphor Detection using Neural Networks

논문 링크

인용 10회

Round Up The Usual Suspects: Knowledge-Based Metaphor Generation

논문 링크

인용 7회

The Third Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, NAACL 2015

Effects of Situational Factors on Metaphor Detection in an Online Discussion Forum

논문 링크

인용 1회

Supervised Word-Level Metaphor Detection: Experiments with Concreteness and Reweighting of Examples

논문 링크

인용 21회

Modeling the interaction between sensory and affective meanings for detecting metaphor

논문 링크

인용 9회

Exploring Sensorial Features for Metaphor Identification

논문 링크

인용 6회

MetaNet: Deep semantic automatic metaphor analysis

논문 링크

인용 19회

High-Precision Abductive Mapping of Multilingual Metaphors

논문 링크

인용 3회

A Corpus of Rich Metaphor Annotation

논문 링크

인용 2회

Understanding Cultural Conflicts using Metaphors and Sociolinguistic Measures of Influence

논문 링크

인용 0회

Chinese CogBank: Where to See the Cognitive Features of Chinese Words

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인용 2회

Fighting Words and Antagonistic Worlds

논문 링크

인용 3회

The Second Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, ACL 2014

Conversational Metaphors in Use: Exploring the Contrast between Technical and Everyday Notions of Metaphor

논문 링크

인용 6회

Different Texts, Same Metaphors: Unigrams and Beyond

논문 링크

인용 21회

Metaphor Detection through Term Relevance

논문 링크

인용 20회

Multi-dimensional abstractness in cross-domain mappings

논문 링크

인용 6회

Abductive Inference for Interpretation of Metaphors

논문 링크

인용 9회

Computing Affect in Metaphors

논문 링크

인용 10회

A Service-Oriented Architecture for Metaphor Processing

논문 링크

인용 14회

The First Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, NAACL 2013

What metaphor identification systems can tell us about metaphor-in-language

논문 링크

인용 32회

Argumentation-Relevant Metaphors in Test-Taker Essays

논문 링크

인용 17회

Relational words have high metaphoric potential

논문 링크

인용 10회

Semantic Signatures for Example-Based Linguistic Metaphor Detection

논문 링크

인용 35회

Automatic Metaphor Detection using Large-Scale Lexical Resources and Conventional Metaphor Extraction

논문 링크

인용 23회

Cross-Lingual Metaphor Detection Using Common Semantic Features

논문 링크

인용 24회

Identifying Metaphorical Word Use with Tree Kernels

논문 링크

인용 41회

Automatic Extraction of Linguistic Metaphors with LDA Topic Modeling

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인용 29회

Robust Extraction of Metaphor from Novel Data

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인용 29회

Annotating a Russian corpus of conceptual metaphor: a bottom-up approach

논문 링크

인용 13회